Davening Times



Davening Times



Welcome to the Kehillat Nofei HaShemesh Website.

Kehillat Nofei HaShemesh is a growing community in Beit Shemesh, lead by HaRav Shalom Rosner. Founded in 2008, the community is constantly expanding. Please feel free to browse the website to find out more about who we are, what we’re doing and more.

Davening Times

Year תשפ”ב -2022

Parshat HaShavua: בהר

Erev Shabbat

Early Mincha & Kabalat Shabbat: 17:45

Candle Lighting “Plag”: 18:03

A reminder to repeat Shma  

and count the omer from: 19:51

Candle Lighting: 19:11

Mincha & kabalat Shabbat: 19:15



Shacharit (Hashkama): 06:45

Daf Yomi: 07:30

Shacharit: 08:30

Mincha Gedola: 13:30

Mincha Ktana: 18:00

Sunset: 19:32

Ma’ariv & Shabbat Ends: 20:09



Weekdays (July 10th-15th)

Sunday- Thursday

Shacharit 1: 06:10

Shacharit 2: 08:00

Mincha Gedola: 13:30

Mincha/ Ma’ariv “Bazman”: 19:15/ 20:20

Late Ma’ariv: 21:15


Shacharit 1: 06:10

Shacharit 2: 08:00

Upcoming events

There are currently no events.

To Listen to Rabbi Ronser Shiurim

Davening times

Sunday- Thursday

Shacharit 1: 06:10

Shacharit 2: 08:00

Mincha Gedola: 13:30

Mincha/ Ma’ariv “Bazman”: 19:15/ 20:20

Late Ma’ariv: 21:15


Shacharit 1: 06:10

Shacharit 2: 08:00

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